Wednesday, February 11, 2009


We had an appointment with AJ's pediatrician today and she cleared him to play again! We have been stuck in the house for over a week and it has been a LONG journey! AJ was miserable and Aiyana had major cabin fever which in turn sleep and no peace for Mommy. BUT... (majestic herald angels singing in the background) we are FREE! Free to rome this gorgeous county: Sea World, the zoo, the beach, the parks, the library, Bed Bath & Beyond! Here we come!

This past week has been filled with some pretty hilarious situations. Here are a few:

  • I was fighting with kicking and screaming AJ to suck the yucks out of his nose with the aspirator while Aiyana was doing yoga on the carpet in front of us. A Dichotomy?
  • After feeling horrible for several days, AJ finally started feeling better Monday. In fact he felt so great, he didn't sleep Monday night at all! So, we stayed up till 2am watching the Boston Celtics get beat by the Spurs. AJ was my buddy! We yelled at the Celtics bad defense in the end, cheered for great shots and snacked on Cheerios.
  • I have always taught my kids that the world is theirs and they can do whatever they want as long as it isn't harming themselves or others. So Monday morning I decided to go with the flow and say "yes" to everything Aiyana wanted. Her breakfast was 2 orange juice popsicles, cheerios with honey, chocolate milk with whip cream and some pumpkin bread that Grandma made. When Elmo came on (her 3rd tv show) he was singing his usual "La la la la, la la la la, elmo's world" when Aiyana began to argue with Elmo. "No Elmo! It's my world!"
  • I thought saying "yes" to Aiyana would fill her with so much appreciation that she would obey my every request. HA! Monday at bedtime Aiyana kept coming out of her room. After she came out and I walked her back in her room several times, she started yelling at me. "I don't have to go to bed! I can stay up as long as I want when I am a mommy! I am pretending I am a mommy, so I can stay up as long as I want! So I am not going to sleep! Now I am going to walk away!" She did a quick turn and marched back into her room! Hilarious! She was not finished though... still yelling... "I am serious! And don't even talk to me!" WOW! Then she went to sleep! Point Mommy!
  • The next night I was putting the kids to bed and they were working together to avoid sleep. I found myself going back and forth between AJ's crib and Aiyana's bed laying each kid down over and over. Hot Mess! I finally put AJ to sleep in a different room until Aiyana fell asleep.

1 comment:

Barley Family said...

Yay for wellness! We are are just about there too. Caylin's penumonia is cleared and Anika just has a tad bit of a runny nose, but we are SO ready to get out too!!! So glad AJ is all better!!