Thursday, May 14, 2009


Today was a day filled with signs of my babies growing up. AJ said several new words today and is doing new signs right along with them. His babble is getting clearer and clearer and he is able to put his sounds together when he wants. He can repeat many things after we say them.

Today his vocabulary first's were the sign for and the word book (he has said the word before, but it came out clear today), the sign and "cluck cluck" sound for hen, he said "bike" and "uh oh".

He transitioned from just knocking block towers over to building them today. Also, he tried to climb into his crib rather than out.

I am truly enjoying all of AJ's milestones. With Aiyana I was always reading to see when I should expect different things to happen. Now, with AJ, I let them surprise me. It was wonderful walking into the room to see his blocks stacked three stories high. He was so delighted when I noticed he started clapping and threw his head back in laughter!

In other news...

Aiyana was awarded her yellow stripe on her white belt today. She has been working really hard to memorize her kata. Her effort was rewarded with some yellow tape and a cupcake.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Yay Curry kids! What a great post and such fun and wonderful accomplishments. Congratulations Mama!