The past couple of days have been interesting at bedtime. AJ goes right to sleep after the routine while Aiyana is another story. She has been afraid to go to sleep. She has tears in her eyes and tells me she needs me lay with her because she is afraid of the dark. This has never been a problem in the past. I told her to go to sleep and tried to make sure it didn't seem like a big deal. She went through a list of things why she was scared: animals, dark, noises, too hot.
She finally went to sleep at 9:30 tonight. It was with a cd playing, stars shining on the ceiling, a Dora doll, a cup of water, and the fan on. Usually she just has a cup of water. I hope this high maintenance bedtime is a short fad!
While Aiyana sleeps through the night with the exception of getting up once to use the bathroom, AJ still gets up AT LEAST two or three times a night. He usually won't go back to sleep unless he nurses! I haven't let him cry it out at night yet because his cry gets so loud! Also, I am not really a CIO kind of mommy. I didn't let her CIO. I just can't see anything positive out of it. In fact, Aiyana didn't go to sleep without nursing until she was weaned at 21 months. Do I have another year of this?
One thing is for sure. I plan on doing what is best for our children even if it means I get less sleep. (Yawn)