Friday, April 17, 2009

Fridays are for parties!

We made our second trip to It's all about the girl to help our friend Caityn celebrate her 3rd birthday. Her party was so much fun for everyone! AJ spent his time touching everything and pushing the broom around. (One of his favorite pastimes.) Aiyana sang karaoke and ate pizza and cake with her friends. All the girls had their hair and nails done and they got the princess touch with a crown and glitter.


we went home, napped, changed, and went to watch my sister Heather marry Eddie Chandler the love of her life! The wedding was at the Twin Oaks House and Garden.

She was such a beautiful bride!

The kids had such a great time running around the beautiful gardens with their cousins.

Thank you Tutumonkey for the PERFECT flower hair accessory!

They found the candy table and wouldn't leave without making some damage.

Mi familia

The kids and Gma Sandy

What a beautiful couple! I pray for a lifetime of peace and blessings!

Proud parents!

siblings maybe?

What a day! The wedding was perfect! We danced and ate great food. The garden setting was beautiful! I took a bazillion photos and loved every minute of it!

Heather and Eddie Chandler, we love you!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

In or out of the box?

We went on a little shoe shopping trip today. In the car on the way there our conversation went like this:

Aiyana-Mom, Curry's don't think inside the box.
Me- Right! We don't.
A- Curry's think outside the box!
Me- Yes! We think outside the box!
A- Mom.
Me- Yes
A- Mom, there is 1 time we think inside the box.
Me- Really? When is that?
A- Mom. The only time we think inside the box is when we are opening presents!

At Stride Rite Aiyana couldn't decide which summer sandal she wanted. After trying on a billion pairs I told her she had 5 minutes to decide and then I was going to. So she lined up 12 different shoes on the ground and gazed at them. I could just see the wheels turning in her head. She decided on a pair of ice cream sandals and a shiny pink pair of flats. She was so excited and danced the entire way back to the truck.

Poor little AJ was so grumpy after shoe shopping for an hour. I let him out of the stroller in the store and he went wild pulling boxes down from the shelves. When I got tired of cleaning up after him I strapped him back down. He was mad and he let me know with loud shrieks of terror until I distracted him with a travel size tub of Vaseline. He loves to play with lids. Off and on over and over. Then he dove in to the gooey tub. He had it all over his hands and stroller tray! He was quiet though.

After buying the shoes we stopped at the water fountain to toss in some change and both the kids strutted back to the truck. It took 45 minutes to walk around the corner. We stopped here and there while they danced and played and envied themselves in the store windows. The freedom my little kids possess is colossal! They felt like jumping, so they jumped. They felt like dancing so they danced. Oh, to have immunity from what others may think. I love my kids!

Beginning today, I am going to do my best run free in the wind! I do this at the park with my kids. I play and slide and climb. I do this at preschool with them, dancing and singing. Now, I do it everywhere!

So if you see a crazy brunette with long hair swinging side to side and feet stomping because she is dancing in the walkway at the mall. Don't take pics. Either join in or keep walking. We will enjoy each day to its full potential.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Today was the perfect day for a cruise on the bay with family. We all gathered together at South Mission Beach and rode all around the bay and back. We stopped in a park and had a picnic around lunchtime. It is times like these when family fun is so fulfilling. Aiyana rode in a seat behind Daddy and the had so much fun. He popped wheelies and daringly veered off the path when he rode in the grass and the sand. AJ rode in front of me in his Weeride. This was his first bike ride with us and he did great the first half. The way home was another story. He wined and tried to get out of the seat. Before we went back to the cars we stopped for an ice cream cone on the boardwalk. Aiyana was in 3 yr old heaven and AJ stopped whining long enough to have a few bites.

When we got home Aiyana took a 3 hour nap and AJ was surprisingly up until bedtime. He ran around the house and made a huge mess while I was cooking up our family dinner. I made fried chicken, roasted potatoes, homemade buttermilk biscuits, steamed broccoli and corn. Aiyana tried to eat a million biscuits.

During our bedtime routine, Aiyana gets to pick a story to read. Me- Ok, pick your book.

Yaya- I am going to give you 100 reasons why we should read all my books.

What a day!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday Flashback

This was taken at the Costco tire center a couple of weeks before AJ was born. These pants are now Aiyana's spring capris. It is funny because the t-shirt still fits. Her legs seem to be growing at a rapid pace.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Trip to Nike

This evening we took a trip to the Nike outlet at Las Americas. Both of the kids needed new shoes and Aiyana wanted "athletic warrior princess shoes". on the way there, I took the opportunity to practice phonics.
mom-Aiyana can you think of any words that begin with the letter "L"?
Aiyana took a few moments and then responded, "loading... loading begins with L!"

I was taken aback by her word. I asked her why she thought of the word loading and she told me it was because loading begins with "L". Of course!

Yaya- "letter, letter begins with L"

While we were there she walked over to a rack that had shorts and sports bra sets. "Look Mom! We can wear these when we shred!"

Me- Those are nice, but I have lots of exercise clothes.

A- No, for me Mom! Look, shorts and booby bras!

Me- Oh, honey you don't need a bra yet.

A- Why?

Daddy and the kids got some new kicks. It was a nice family outing. I really appreciate the time we all spend together even if it's just a trip to the store. Rich has been working so much to make sure I can stay home with the kiddos and those times are not as frequent as we would like.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Easter Party with Fab Friends

We celebrated Spring with an Easter kick-off party with our Fabulous SD friends. We arrived just in time for Aiyana to make a basket and go for an egg hunt with the "big kids". She did a great job counting the eggs she found.

Handsome little guys!

All the kids actually sat still for a few minutes for us to snap some photos. I had to bribe Aiyana with her candy to get her to sit down. (I reserve bribery for the most important occasions.)

After the group photo, she dove into her eggs and asked me before she ate each piece of candy. I turned my head and tried to ignore the candy knowing that I would regret it later.
"No AJ...babies can't have chocolate!"Next was the "little kids" hunt.

AJ took a minute to figure it out so I started singing the clean up song. Then he started picking up eggs and putting them in his bag.

We went inside and let the kids run wild while the mamas drank mimosas and chatted. We had tons of food, cupcakes and treats.

Aj played ball the entire time.
Here he is playing basketball with the big boys Job and Diego.

Aiyana focused on shoving her face with cupcake and then she ran around terrorizing the other little ones in order to burn off her sugar rush.In all it was a great day! We are so lucky to have these friends!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Egg decorating

We decorated eggs on Tuesday. Aiyana was very serious about putting the stickers on perfectly and designating which egg was for her and AJ. She loves to eat hard-boiled eggs and was so excited to do the egg craft.

AJ spent his time rolling his egg around the high chair tray.

After he threw the egg on the floor and cracked the shell I tried to feed him some.
He tasted it once, spit it out and turned his head each time I tried again.