We went on a little shoe shopping trip today. In the car on the way there our conversation went like this:
Aiyana-Mom, Curry's don't think inside the box.
Me- Right! We don't.
A- Curry's think outside the box!
Me- Yes! We think outside the box!
A- Mom.
Me- Yes
A- Mom, there is 1 time we think inside the box.
Me- Really? When is that?
A- Mom. The only time we think inside the box is when we are opening presents!
At Stride Rite Aiyana couldn't decide which summer sandal she wanted. After trying on a billion pairs I told her she had 5 minutes to decide and then I was going to. So she lined up 12 different shoes on the ground and gazed at them. I could just see the wheels turning in her head. She decided on a pair of ice cream sandals and a shiny pink pair of flats. She was so excited and danced the entire way back to the truck.
Poor little AJ was so grumpy after shoe shopping for an hour. I let him out of the stroller in the store and he went wild pulling boxes down from the shelves. When I got tired of cleaning up after him I strapped him back down. He was mad and he let me know with loud shrieks of terror until I distracted him with a travel size tub of Vaseline. He loves to play with lids. Off and on over and over. Then he dove in to the gooey tub. He had it all over his hands and stroller tray! He was quiet though.
After buying the shoes we stopped at the water fountain to toss in some change and both the kids strutted back to the truck. It took 45 minutes to walk around the corner. We stopped here and there while they danced and played and envied themselves in the store windows. The freedom my little kids possess is colossal! They felt like jumping, so they jumped. They felt like dancing so they danced. Oh, to have immunity from what others may think. I love my kids!
Beginning today, I am going to do my best run free in the wind! I do this at the park with my kids. I play and slide and climb. I do this at preschool with them, dancing and singing. Now, I do it everywhere!
So if you see a crazy brunette with long hair swinging side to side and feet stomping because she is dancing in the walkway at the mall. Don't take pics. Either join in or keep walking. We will enjoy each day to its full potential.